Saturday, January 7, 2012

2012: The Age of Aquarius?

2nd blog of 2012: Happy New Year!

The Age of Aquarius

When the moon is in the Seventh House
And Jupiter aligns with Mars
Then peace will guide the planets
And love will steer the stars

This is the dawning of the age of Aquarius
The age of Aquarius

Some of us thought we were on the threshold of a new age in the 1960s, the "Age of Aquarius."  The song is from "Hair," the phenomenal iconic musical of the time (1967, lyrics by James Rado and Gerome Ragni and music by Galt MacDermot). 

So here we are, some 45 years later, and some of us think we’re on the threshold of a new age, again, a new Age of Aguarius. Beginning in 2012.

Astrologists are having a field day.  Some reference the Mayan calendar, others Greek and Egyptian myths and philosophies.  Some study the movement of the planets and the stars and the constellations.  Others foretell the age of computers, electricity, unrest, nonconformity, and rebellion--kind of throwing in everything but the kitchen sink.  A few, like author Eric Rankin ( see a huge “paradigm shift” away from the old ways of being and doing and into a new reality. 

That view resonates with me, looking at the national and international political changes going on in the world, the revolts and protests coming from the bottom up in what I call The Age of Information Democracy.  Protestors' goals and agendas may not be clear, but their discontent with inequity, injustice, and corruption is.  That must mean something.

Writer Ed Perrone ( sees “the spiritual evolution of consciousness,” individually and collectively, which is another interesting way to look at the Age of Aquarius: the spiritual evolution of life on earth, the social progress of humankind in the global village.  Change on a macro and micro scale.

I find all these ideas intriguing as we enter a new year.  Maybe 2012 will usher in the “Age of Aquarius” embodied in the 1960s anthem.  Some folks think the lyrics are a bunch of giberrish, by the way, but I lean in that dreamy direction of hope.  

Certainly enormous changes are underway in our world, with no end in sight, and little certainty. I’m thinking politically and socially, in the internet era, the power of social networks and online communication, and also environmentally.  A new age is dawning.  

Perhaps if humankind's wishes and dreams could align across the planet, transcend the politics of ruling elites, reject wars and religious extremism, put our tiny world, Carl Sagan's "pale blue dot," in perspective, then the Age of Aquarius might be upon us.   

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