Thursday, May 11, 2017

Mourning in America

"The election of Donald Trump to the Presidency is nothing less than a tragedy for the American republic, a tragedy for the Constitution, and a triumph for the forces, at home and abroad, of nativism, authoritarianism, misogyny, and racism. Trump’s shocking victory, his ascension to the Presidency, is a sickening event in the history of the United States and liberal democracy. On January 20, 2017, we will bid farewell to the first African-American President—a man of integrity, dignity, and generous spirit—and witness the inauguration of a con who did little to spurn endorsement by forces of xenophobia and white supremacy. It is impossible to react to this moment with anything less than revulsion and profound anxiety."  David Remnick, The New Yorker, November 2016

For more than 50 percent of the electorate, it's mourning in America. I believe with David Remnick that the election of Trump "is nothing less than a tragedy for the American republic..." Every day, as Pence's appointments are announced and his alt-right foil's erratic unhinged behavior threatens our stability and security, American democracy is being shredded and a fascist oligarchy is rising.  The toxic combination of unregulated corporate power and undisciplined government power looms like a black cloud over our country and the world.

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Pence's nominations of those billionaires, most of whom hate the agencies they have been selected to lead, most of them 1 percenters who contributed to trump's campaign, bode ill for our democracy. .

Is this what people wanted when they voted for such an unqualified ignoramus with so little knowledge, so little dignity? Is this what evangelical Christians voted for, a man who literally encompasses the seven deadly sins  Are we so easily propagandized that we will fall in line like sheep to the slaughter?                                
Oh sure we old warriors will continue the good fight as best we can. Afterall, Hillary won the popular vote, which means the Pence/Ryan/McConnell regime does not have a mandate.  We are a divided country. In my view, Trump is the most hated man in America, and for the majority, he will never be our president.

Right now, this is not comforting.  In grieving for America, I remember my brother Loren.  I listen for his wisdom, huddling with our sister Andy.  I'm feeling so low.  Revulsion and profound anxiety in Remnick's words . The shock, the painful disappointment, has barely worn off.  Loren would paint a dystopian picture of how Trump will govern, with Pence really in charge because he knows how things work in Washington and Trump knows nothing.  Nothing. McConnell and Ryan, who's only purpose for the last eight years has been to obstruct Obama, exemplified in the refusal to hold Senate hearings on Obama's Supreme Court nomination, are ready to dismantle the government and especially social safety nets and environmental protections. Obamacare, Medicare, Social Security, agencies that deal with discrimination, women's equality and gay rights, all on the chopping block.

The alt-right Tea Party movement, funded by the Koch brothers and the "dark money" that has bought its way into the White House and the Congress, is threatening our democracy. Their glee is palpable. Fear for the make-up of the Supreme Court, for Rule of Law, for the influence of racism and misogyny on public policy, for the walls that will be built, for the hateful backlash against people of color and immigrants, for the disregard of climate change, the chance of a nuclear "accident," untold conflicts of interest and self-serving policies that benefit the 1 percent, and yes, for the nature of international relations and the world, now fragile and precariously balanced.

Resist, Loren would say.  He'd join the fight, a fight I'm not even sure will get off the ground. In fact this is right now a huge question in my mind.  My kids say I should stop thinking about it, but it's hard. Will there be organized resistance? Will our elected representatives in the House and in the Senate stand up and be counted? Will they have the courage to obstruct everything McConnell, Ryan and the Tea Party stand for, as the Tea Party did to Obama for so long? Will Guides to thwarting the Tea Party agenda, such as "Indivisible," written by former Congressional staffers who witnessed the Tea Party's successful tactics, be taken seriously.  Will enough of the 99 percenters protest and resist in every way they can, obstruct at every turn?   Can Bernie mobilize his fan base again to resist this tyranny? Will the people rise up and resist?

I'm not confident. I worry.  I know Loren would put on his warrior hat, and take to the streets. Never give up on goodness and justice and a peaceful world.  Never forget the goddess is with us, and that her values will reign one day.  Never forget the struggle.  I'll try, Loren  I'll try. But my confidence has been shaken.

For "Indivisible," the guide:

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