Friday, December 24, 2021

Christmas Traditions: We Hear the Angels Sing


Santa's on the way. For my grandson Chase.

It came upon a midnight clear, 
that glorious song of old,
From angels bending near the earth,
to touch their harps of gold.
"Peace on the earth, good will to men,"
from Heaven's all gracious King.
The world in solemn stillness lay,
To hear the angels sing. 

My Christmas bouquet with
Dan's Florida Spider Lilies

My brother Loren and I loved sharing this time of year together and with our family wherever we happened to be.  We had so many wonderful Christmases from the time we were young children in Rochester, NY.  Our parents made sure of it. 

Andy's tree, 12/2021
The traditions continued into our adulthoods, with our own children, and now with their children. We shared as many Christmases together as we could, in Rochester, in Toledo, Tallahassee,  St. Petersburg, in DC, and in between.  Even if we were apart, the holiday spirit connected us, held us close. Same this year. The traditions continue. 

Loren inherited mom's make-believe tree, and he always had it ready to take out and light up. In fact, he brought it out early and kept it up late. It held lots of warm memories. We'd remind him that is was April and his Christmas tree was still up. '"Yeah, I'll get to it."  He did, in his own time. I understand it now. Whenever I take out a Christmas tree, or admire a tree that a family member puts up, the sight and scent of it bring comfort and joy. 
This year on the St. Petersburg waterfront
under a full moon. Shared this with Loren so many times
over the years.

Andy's Fireplace, which
Loren enjoyed as much
 as I am now.
Loren didn't like the commercialism, but he loved the spirit, the music. He had a good voice and sang Christmas carols, just like my dad. He loved the candles and the lights. My brother was a romantic at heart. He listened to love songs--Elton John, Paul McCartney, Nat King Cole,  Kenny Rogers, Andre Bocelli. Never tired of them. Nor do we!

I liked giving him gifts at Christmas, mostly books, or a subscription to the National Geographic, a membership to the Smithsonian, National Museum of the American Indian, or to one of his favorite environmental groups. Loren usually gave little presents he had bought at the gift shops of one of his charities. St. Marks, in Tallahassee, was a favorite. 

Our mom's Christmas
cactus, tended by Andy
to this day.

This year I’m giving Loren this song to sing: "It Came Upon a Midnight Clear," because its message was never more important.  Loren believed it, always told it. And so do we.

We pray that the "Age of Gold," the age of peace foretold by prophets, is coming round.  We say this every year.  "Peace on the Earth," good will to everyone on planet Earth.  This year is no exception.  It's a Christmas tradition.

This decorated house in St. Petersburg is just
like the houses we decorate every year. 

For lo, the days are hastening on, 
By prophet bards foretold,
When, with the ever-circling years,
Shall come the Age of Gold.
When peace shall over all the earth
it's ancient splendors fling,
And all the world give back the song
which now the angels sing.

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