Monday, November 12, 2018

A Message from Loren: "Hey you guys have work to do. Don't stop now!"

It's been eight years since my dear brother's last hike, on May 23, 2010. He died along the trails of Northern Florida in a place he loved, along the Aucilla River. I was in Ukraine then, and my grief at the sudden never-expected news knew no bounds. Our sister Andy, living in Tallahassee, almost fainted in shock when two police officers, in solemn face, brought her the news. 

Loren  (far left) after a hike with FL Trail Association
Andy and I always think of Loren during our over-the-top, unscreened and unfiltered private (very private) rants against what is happening in our America today. What would Loren have said? What knowledge, what insights would he have shared? We miss his views. We believe he would have been on fire if he were here with us. He would have been on the front lines of the Resistance, prodding us on. 

Loren, when he lived in Orlando
I sometimes think I hear his voice. But he's not on fire. He's calm. He seems to know that things will work out, that our ideals will save us, as they always have. That the arc of history is toward justice, as MLK taught us. I hear the voice of compassion and empathy. I see the light from a lovely soul at peace with himself and the world.

Hey, you guys I'm fine, but you have work to do.  Don't stop now. The good will prevail. Promise."   

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